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 9 Timetable
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, ѱ ׸ܰ ´ܰ ðǥ ϼ.
ȿ ǽðǥ ֽϴ.
Ÿ ¿ ǽð ĥ Ǹ 帳ϴ.
ð Ȩ ðǥ ȮϽñ ٶϴ. (⺻̷, ܰ, Ǯ)

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9 ܱհݹ
7 հݹ ä 2 ~
2023. 12
ä 3 990,000
13 հݹ ä 2 ~
2024. 6
ä 3 1,840,000
Ϳ쿡 н Ⱓ
߾ а 20%
ʱհ BibleƯ 50%
ð ðǥ ȮϽñ ٶϴ.

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û ߵȯҽ ֵǴ, Ͽ ݵ û ûֽñ ٶϴ.
ߵȯҽ ݾ Ϲ Ͻ ݾ Ǿ ȯұ ų ֽϴ.

Ա ¾ȳ : 659801-04-301991 | ()߾Ӱп
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9 ̵
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2. 3 : [ʱ հڿ ]
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() ǰ ܱ޽ļҿ 2̻ ٹ( )
() 2021 ڰ : ܱ޽ļ 1̻ ٹ, 2022 ڰ : ܱ޽ļ 2̻ ٹ

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1) 2023 11 ( ) Ͽ ϴ · ֹεϻ
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2) 2023 11 , ϴ · ֹεϻ ּҸ ΰ ־ Ⱓ ջϿ
     3 ̻   

̵ û Ͽ ۼ߽ϴ.
, , ڰ, 2023 û Ͻñ ٶϴ.
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2023.05.15 :
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